Health Coaching

I can HELP you feel a greater resilience to coping with life’s challenges.

  • Greater feeling of health and vitality ✅
  • An enhanced feeling of well-being ✅
  • A deepened sense of spirituality ✅
  • A more peaceful, centred approach to life ✅
  • A greater sense of optimism and self-esteem ✅

Learn to live life fuller…

Are you feeling tired and overwhelmed? Are you constantly people pleasing? Do you need help with setting healthier boundaries for yourself and others?
Do you want to feel uplifted, empowered and healthier? I am here to help!

Six Week Self Care Program

Incorporate daily habits to increase your sense of wellbeing.

1:1 Health Coaching

Look at your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.

1:1 Counselling

Release self limiting beliefs and process childhood trauma.

Heal old childhood wounds

Become more compassionate with yourself.

Build confidence & self esteem

Replace negative thoughts with new realistic and positive beliefs. 

Become more self aware

Change behaviours to increase your happiness.

Client Testimonials

I have done a couple of sessions with Caroline with a couple more booked. I was reluctant at first to go to counselling but from the outset she put me at ease and I soon found myself opening up where I was sure I never would. I’m finding our sessions completely beneficial in dealing with anxiety and bereavement and would recommend her highly. In fact I now look forward to our sessions and have completely changed my opinion of counselling.

Caroline has helped me much more then I could of thought within such a short time! I would recommend to anyone!

Firstly I would like to thank Caroline for changing my life. I feel more me then I have ever before, it really has been a life changing for me. Any one that is in two minds about it please give Carolines counselling ago because she is the most incredible person. I was a lost soul who didn’t know how to become the real me and feel loved I now feel so much gratitude for my life every single day. Thank you.

I met Caroline in January of this year, I was a little apprehensive about therapy because of the stigma surrounding it! But it’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done. Caroline makes you feel comfortable and when I leave I always feel so much better. I have recommended her to friends and would recommend her to anyone.


I help my clients improve their health by starting to eat nutritious foods, engaging in regular movement and prioritising their mental health.


I help my clients build their confidence, resilience and well-being through nutritional education and lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress management. 


Working with my clients is an enjoyable experience as it is a collaborative process and watching them transform their lives is a privilege.


If you too, would like the opportunity to improve your life. Book your appointment now.

For a 15min Consultation get in touch

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